Michael Wayne BA, MA, Ph.D.

See an Intellectual Development and Research Interests Timeline.


Middlesex University, 1996-1999
PH.D Travels in Modernity and British Cinema

The Polytechnic of Central London, 1989-1991
MA Film and Television

The Polytechnic of North London, 1985-1988
BA (Hons) First Class: Film and English


Professor in Screen Media, Brunel University, 1996 –

Convenor of MA in Media and Public Relations (2017-)

Convenor of MA in Documentary Practice (2005-16)

Deputy Head of School (Postgraduate 2010-14)
Head of Media Division (2014-16)
Convener of MA in Documentary (2005-17)

Address: Department of Social Science,
Media and Communications
Uxbridge, Middlesex
UB8 3PH.



2020: Marxism Goes To The Movies (Routledge)

2018: England’s Discontents, Political Cultures and National Identities (Pluto Press)

2014: Red Kant: Aesthetics, Marxism and the Third Critique (Bloomsbury Press).

2012: Marx’s Das Kapital For Beginners (Steerforth Press). Translated into Turkish 2014.

2010: (co-authored with Julian Petley, Craig Murray and Lesley Henderson) Television News, Politics and Young People: Generation Disconnected? (Palgrave).

2003: Marxism and Media Studies: Key Concepts and Contemporary Trends (Pluto Press). Translated into Turkish in 2011 and Korean into 2013.

2002: The Politics of Contemporary European Cinema: Histories, Border, Diasporas, (Intellect Press).

2001: Political Film, The Dialectics of Third Cinema (Pluto Press). Translated into Turkish in 2011.

1997: Theorizing Video Practice (Lawrence and Wishart)

Edited Books

2020: (with Steve Presence and Jack Newsinger) Contemporary Radical Film Culture, Networks, organisations and Activists, Routledge.

2017: (with Deirdre O’Neill) Considering Class:Theory, Culture and Media in the 21st Century, Brill.

2005: Understanding Film: Marxist Perspectives (Pluto Press)
Translated into Turkish in 2011.

1998: Dissident Voices, The Politics of Television and Cultural Change (Pluto Press).

In addition I founded and am the Series Editor (with Esther Leslie) for Marxism and Culture (Pluto Press).

Essays in Refereed Journals

2016: ‘Beneath the Bias, the Crisis: The Press, Independent Media and the Scottish Referendum’ in International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, vol.12 (3).

2014: ‘Aesthetics and Class Interests: Rethinking Kant’ in Third Text 28 (2)

2013: ‘Transcoding Kant: Kracauer’s Weimar Marxism and After’ in Historical Materialism, 21.3 pp.57-85.

2013: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘The Condition of the Working Class: Representation and Praxis’ in Working USA: the Journal of Labour and Society, Vol.16, pp.487-503.

2012: ‘Kant’s Philosophy of the Aesthetic and the Philosophy of Praxis’ in Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 24, (3), pp. 386-402.

2009: (with Craig Murray) ‘UK Television News: Monopoly Politics and Cynical Populism’ in Television and New Media. Vol.10 (5). Pp.416-433.

2008: (with Lesley Henderson, Craig Murray, Julian Petley) ‘Television News and the Symbolic Criminalisation of Young People’ in Journalism Studies Vol.9, (1), 75-90.

2007: ‘Failing the Public: The BBC, The War Game and Revisionist History’ in Journal of Contemporary History, vol.42, (4), pp.627-637.

2006: ‘The Performing Northern Working Class in British Cinema:
Cultural Representation and its Political Economy’ in Quarterly Review of Film and Video vol. 23, (4). pp. 287-297.

2006: ‘Working Title Mark II: A Critique of the Atlanticist Orientation of British Cinema’ in International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Volume 2, (1), pp.59-73.

2005: ‘Fetishism and Ideology’ in Historical Materialism, research in critical marxist theory, Vo. 13. (3), pp.193-218.

2004: ‘Mode of Production: New Media Technology and the Napster File’ In Rethinking Marxism vol.16, (2), pp.137-154.

2003: ‘Reflections on Pedagogy: Documentary theory and practice in the classroom’ in Journal of Media Practice Vol. 4, (1), pp.55-61.

2003: ‘Post-Fordism, Monopoly Capitalism and Hollywood’s Media-Industrial Complex’, in International Journal of Cultural Studies Vol.6. (1), pp.82-103.

2003: ‘Surveillance and Class: A Materialist Reading of Big Brother’ in Radical Philosophy Jan/Feb, no.117, pp.34-42.

2003: “Utopianism and Film” in Historical Materialism, research in critical marxist theory, Vol. 10., (4), pp.135-154.

2002: ‘A Violent Peace: Robert Guédiguian’s La Ville est Tranquille’, Historical Materialism, research in critical marxist theory, Vol.10. (2), pp.219-227.

2002: ‘The Re-Invention of Tradition: British Cinema and International Image Markets in the 1990s’, in EnterText Vol.2, (1), http://www.brunel.ac.uk/faculty/arts/EnterText/2_1_pdfs/wayne.pdf

2002: ‘Constellating Walter Benjamin and British Cinema: a study of The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933)’ in Quarterly Review of Film and Video, vol.19 (3). pp. 249-260.

2002: ‘The Tragedy of History: Peter Watkins’s La Commune’ in Third Text, no. 58, pp.57-69.

2001: ‘Problems and Possibilities In Developing Critical Practice’ in Journal of Media Practice Vol. 2 (1), pp.30-36.

2000: ‘The Critical Practice and Dialectics of Third Cinema’ in Third Text Winter, No.52. pp.53-66

2000: ‘Family Video, Oral History And Reflexivity: My Uncle Wolf ‘ in Journal of Media Practice Vol.1. (1) pp.23-30.

Chapters In Books

2017: ‘On Intellectuals’ in Considering Class: Theory, Culture and Media in the 21st Century (eds) Deirdre O’Neill and Mike Wayne, Brill.

2017: Neoliberalism and the End of Education’ in Liberalism in NeoLiberal Times, Dimensions, Contradictions, Limits, (eds) Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel, Des Freedman, Gholam Khiabany, Kate Nash and Julian Petley, MIT Press.

2016: ‘The Dialectics of Third Cinema’ in The Routledge Companion to Film and Politics (eds) Claire Molloy and Yannis Tzioumakis (Routledge)

2014: ‘The Dialectical Image: Kant, Marx and Adorno’ in Marx at the Movies: Revisiting History, Theory and Practice (eds) Ewa Mazierska and Lars Kristensen (Palgrave/MacMillan).

2014: ‘Classed Audiences in the Age of Neoliberal Capitalism’ in The SAGE Handbook of Television Studies (eds) Manual Alvarado, Milly Buonanno, Herman Gray and Toby Miller (Sage)

2014: ‘The Spectre of Marx’ in Media and Left (ed) Savas Coban, (Brill).

2014: ‘Constellating Walter Benjamin and British Cinema: a study of The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933)’ in British Cinema (ed) Robert Murphy (Routledge)

2011: ‘Hans Magnus Enzensberger and the Politics of New Media Technology’ in The Frankfurt School Revisited, Essays on Media and Culture, (ed) David Berry (Ashgate)

2011: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘Form, Politics and Culture: A Case Study of The Take, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, and Listen To Venezuela’ in Neo-liberalism and Global Cinema, Capital, Culture, and Marxist Critique, (eds) Jyostna Kapur and Keith B. Wagner, (Routledge).

2009: ‘British Neo-Noir and Reification: Croupier and Dirty Pretty Things’ in British Neo-Noir (eds) Mark Bould, Kathrina Glitre, Greg Tuck, (Wallflower Press).

2008: ‘Documentary as Critical and Creative Research’ in Rethinking Documentary, (eds) Thomas Austen and Wilma de Jong, (Open University Press).

2005: ‘Television News, Ideology and Iraq: A Case Study’ in Studying Television: An Introduction (ed) Glen Creeber, (BFI).

2005: ‘Jameson, Postmodernism and the hermeneutics of paranoia’ In Understanding Film: Marxist Perspectives, (ed) Mike Wayne (Pluto Press).

2005: ‘Spectres and Capitalism, Spectacle and the Horror Film’ in The Spectacle of the Real: from Hollywood to ‘Reality’ TV and Beyond, (ed) Geoff King, (Intellect Books).

2002 ‘The Critical Practice and Dialectics of Third Cinema’ In Third Text Reader on Art, Culture and Theory, (eds) Rasheed Araeen, Ziauddin Sardar, Sean Cubitt, (Continuum Press.

2000: ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? : Contextual Analysis And The Endgame Of Public Service Television’ in Formations: a 21st Century Media Studies Textbook (ed) D. Fleming, (Manchester University Press)

1998: ‘Counter-Hegemonic Strategies in Between The Lines’ in Dissident Voices, The Politics of Television and Cultural Change (ed) Mike Wayne, (Pluto Press)

1998: ‘Crisis & Opportunity: Class, Gender & Allegory in The Grand’ in Dissident Voices, The Politics of Television and Cultural Change (ed) Mike Wayne, (Pluto Press)

1994: ‘Television, Audiences, Politics’ in Behind The Screens : The Structure of British Television in the Nineties. (ed) Stuart Hood (Lawrence and Wishart).


2015: AHRC Research Networking Fund (Co-I): ‘The Radical Film Network’

AWARD: £44,000

2008: Leverhulme Study Abroad Award: ‘Documentary and Social Change’.

AWARD: £14,500.

2005-2008. Principal Investigator for Arts and Humanities Research Council funded: ‘Television News, Current Affairs and Young People: the problem of ‘disconnection’’ .
AWARD: £108,393.00

2004: AHRB Small Research Grant: ‘British Cinema and the International Market’
AWARD: £2,330.


2017: The Acting Class, 77 mins (co-director Deirdre O’Neill)


2012: The Condition of the Working Class, 82 mins, (co-director Deirdre O’Neill).


Over 50 public screenings including official entry in international film festivals in New York, Toronto, Helsinki, Istanbul and Buenos Aires.

2009: Listen To Venezuela 95 mins (co-director Deirdre O’Neill)


2020: ‘The Corbyn Project was defeated by the historic strengths of conservatism and liberalism’


2019: ‘Are the liberal middle class on the verge of a nervous breakdown?’ in Counterfire


2019: ‘The Right’s new Jerusalem’ in Open Democracy


2018: ‘It is liberalism that has helped sow the seeds of illiberalism’ in Open Democracy


2018: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘Putting class back on the UK’s equality agenda’ in Open Democracy


2016: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘The Invisible Victims of Economic Violence ought to Shame the Media’


2015: ‘The Return To Kant’ in The Los Angeles Review of Books

2014: ‘Does Capitalism Need Mass Higher Education?’


2013: ‘On The Cultural Question’


2013: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘The Gentrification of the Left’


2013: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘The Engels Project’ Film International, Vol.11 (1).

2013: (with Deirdre O’Neill) ‘The Condition of the Working Class Replayed’ in Tribune 19 April.

2012: ‘Why Reading Marx’s Das Kapital Still Matters’

2012: ‘Spectre of Marx and old ghosts haunt the ailing capitalist machine’ in Tribune 1 June.


Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies, University of East London, 1995-96

Lecturer in Film, TV and Discourse Studies, University of North London, 1989-1995.

Lecturer in Film Studies, Middlesex University, 1992-95.

Lecturer in Media Studies, Birkbeck College (Extra-Mural), 1990-1995.

Lecturer in Film Studies, University of Westminster (Harrow) 1990-93.